
Servicing Our Customers Since 1988

  • Communications Equipment & Services
  • Networks: Wired and Wireless / I.T. Projects
  • Call Accounting / Billing Analysis
  • Wiring Services . . .
  • Commercial/residential - Lic. 560963

650 368-9000 / 650-321-9000

Menlo Telecom Home
Telephone Systems
Wiring Systems
Paging & Access
Providers Carriers

Telephone Systems & Accessories, Call Accounting, Speaker Phone and Video Conferencing

Whether your needs are for a 200+ employee company system, or maybe just a 2-line wireless system for your home, Menlo Telecom has the experience to provide a  reliable, cost-effective system, one which will remain flexible and can handle expansion, or contraction, if such is the case.  Menlo Telecom can handle relocating, expanding, and changing as necessary your telephone system.  In addition, if you have a need to implement a Call Accounting system, or if you are an operator of a hospitality business which needs to provide a bill-back service to your guests, Menlo Telecom is experienced in implementing these types of services as well.  With over 20 years experience with telephone systems, we have solutions that are time tested, future proof, and designed with your home or business needs taken into account.  Many of the quality manufacturers of telephone equipment handled by Menlo Telecom are listed below.  In addition, you will note there are links below to companies that produce video conferencing equipment, as well as other specialty products.  Menlo Telecom is prepared to assist you in selecting, procuring, installing and final testing of such equipment.  You may find these links helpful in informing yourself of the many companies and products available in the telecom industry. 

Telephone Systems & Accessories:

Call Accounting/CTI products:

Video Conferencing/Speaker Phone and Special Needs Products:


Hospitality Systems:   

650 368-9000 / 650-321-9000